A teenage girl who discovered she has four kidneys has decided to donate her two extra organs to patients desperately in need of a transplant. This girl,Laura Moon,18 years, is one of a tiny number of people to have four of the organs growing naturally. She only became aware of her unusual anatomy six months ago after undergoing an ultrasound scan to investigate stomach pains following a car crash.
The doctor even asked to take photos to show his university students.
Laura Moon is looking into becoming a live donor after hearing about Leeds resident Luke Heppenstall, 3, who urgently needs a new kidney after both of his were removed because of cancer.
Laura, who is about to start work as a customer services adviser, heard about three-year-old Luke Heppenstall, who urgently needs a new kidney. It occurred to her that if she had four kidneys and did not need all of them, she might be able to donate two to someone who did.
Transplant surgeon Niaz Ahmad of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said he had never seen anyone with four full kidneys."To have completely duplex kidneys on both sides is extremely rare," he said.
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