Weight loss is a concern for most Americans. Whether you’re struggling with those final ten pounds that never seem to budge or you have many excess pounds that are having a negative impact on our overall health, it’s time to make a change.
I recommend reading through the following weight loss tips before choosing one or two to start with.
1.)Salmon - Salmon is one of the most popular “weight loss foods” around, and for good reason. It provides a hefty dose of healthy omega-3 fats, a hefty dose a metabolism boosting protein, and a nice dose of natural vitamins and minerals. Salmon, like the other power- packed super weight loss foods above also provides lengthy satiety, meaning less cravings. Salmon makes a great solid meal for lunch of dinner .Omega-3 fats are top notch in that they provide such a myriad of health benefits, it would take volumes to explain. Not only are they healthy, but omega-3’s have been shown to also boost metabolic rate, resulting in faster weight loss.
2.)Cottage cheese -Cottage cheese is here for slightly different reasons. Since it is a dairy product, cottage cheese contains quality amounts of calcium, which in recent studies has shown to tip the scales in terms of weight loss.
Cottage cheese is great for times when you may go for 3 or 4 hours without eating something. It is also great for a before bed snack. Many people tend to crave sweets before bed. Mixed with a small serving of fresh fruit, cottage cheese can quench your sweet tooth and provide ample amino acids for a good nights sleep.
3.)Beef -Beef is high in protein, which provides the amino acids necessary to maintain and build muscle fiber which is crucial to boosting your metabolic rate.Beef also provides a moderate amount of fat. Yes, I hear the collective “yikes!”. Hold on a minute though. What you think might be a negative is actually very positive for your health, and your weight loss journey. There is a revolution happening in the medical and fitness communities in views towards fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
Beef also takes longer to digest than other foods, meaning less cravings as well.
4.)Blueberries-Blueberries are a sort of superfood. They contain very high amounts of antioxidants, which can help stave off cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Obviously a good dieter will also be performing some intense exercise to get their weight down, which will in turn boost these damaging free radicals. Eating your blueberries will provide the antioxidants which quell the free radicals, which in turn reduces soreness from the exercise.
5.)Broccoli-Broccoli is another high fiber vegetable, packing a solid satiating punch any time of the day. Broccoli is a wonder food in that it contains high amounts of antioxidants, much like blueberries, but contains so little calories that it’s considered negative calorie food. A “negative calorie food” basically means that it takes more energy to digest than it is providing.
Try dipping some fresh stalks into calorie free dip for a nice high fiber, high antioxidant guilt- free snack.
Complete eating at least 3 hours before sleeping. The body needs to fast in order to burn stored fat.
Don’t follow the “Sumo Diet” of consuming large quantities of food late at night when metabolism is at its lowest. Eat a large breakfast or lunch and a small dinner of salad, soup, vegetables or a highly nutritious shake.
If you want to buy Weight Loss product(medicine) click up in the main page(blue titles) to Weight Loss
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